Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Do I Have To?

I exercised today.

This is a very big deal for me, as I hate exercise. The crazy thing is, when I think about it, and all its benefits, I am so sure it's something that I really, really, really want to do. And then I do it.

This was even social, no babysitting involved. I walked with two friends (and their babies in carriages)around the hilly, windy streets of suburbia. Unfortunately for me, these two walk almost everyday, and as I said, I hate exercise and rarely do it, so there was a lot of running to catch up. Why I thought the day that it was 82 degrees would be the best day to start this, is beyond me.

The craziest part is in my mind I am not only in great shape, but a world class athlete to boot. Unfortunately for me, reality does not bear this out. I keep thinking that I could easily do exercise, the benefits will be great, and it won't be so bad. Apparently, my brain and body are not in agreement once the exercise begins.

Brain: I think we should exercise today, it'll be good for you, Body, and release all kinds of great chemicals for me.

Body: Super Idea as usual brain! How do you keep coming up with all these great plans?

Brain: You know me, I'm just wired that way. So let's get started!

Body: OK, lemme get my sneakers.

A few minutes pass, sneakers on, exercise commences:

Body: Hmmm, it's hot. I'm sweating. My feet hurt. My mouth is parched. Now I have cramp. Up a hill? Who could I call to come pick me up? Whose dumb idea was this?????

I know, I know. No pain, no gain. I'm waiting til I can go swimming. Not that I enjoy doing laps, but it's exercise that just doesn't feel as painful and strenuous. I'm sure the benefits are commensurate with that, unless I do water aerobics or something. There's nothing social about swimming laps.

I prefer to burn calories chewing.

1 comment:

lizardk said...

yea but chewing cinnamon buns aren't going to burn any calories