Thursday, April 15, 2010

Heavy is the Head...

There's a new rallying cry for the GOP. Once again they choose to focus on petty things that really just inflame the one-toothed-gun-hoarding-Obama-born -in Kenya-believing- Rush Limbaugh -worshiping crowd. At the end of the nuclear summit President Obama said:

"It is a vital national security interest of the United States to reduce these conflicts because whether we like it or not, we remain a dominant military superpower, and when conflicts break out, one way or another we get pulled into them," Obama said. "And that ends up costing us significantly in terms of both blood and treasure."

Why would anyone argue that "like it or not" is in anyway anything but the truth? Don't you want to live in a country where we know and understand our obligation, but also understand the cost, as he says, both in lives and taxes? Do we want to live in a cowboy-Rambo society where we rush into conflict because we like the sounds of bombs, or the posturing that comes with it?

There are plenty of real issues with this administration's policies and viewpoints, both foreign and domestic, economic, social and military. This need not be one of them. The GOP deserves what it gets (though the country does not)for mindless pandering to the ridiculous (Sarah Palin, when will you go away?), instead of spending the time to find actual candidates and issues the whole country will want to rally around.

Why don't they trust their agenda and policies enough?

1 comment:

fil said...

well said but we need sarah to keep energizing the voters lest they forget health care by election day