Thursday, July 16, 2009

I'd See Him Again

MBB and I went out last night. We haven't been out on a real date "out" for a few months, so it was really nice. We got out of Dodge, which automatically makes it special, and met up in Manhattan. It was a gloriously cool summer evening on the East Side of Manhattan. The neighborhood was pretty, the restaurant was pretty, all the ducks were in a row for a great night out. I ordered a drink, watched the bartender muddle the mint (what's up with the processed lemon juice? I want real limes in my mojito!!)garnish and serve. Delicious.

I should have cut my losses right there. Maybe that's not really fair. The food was decent, the appetizers and sides, anyway. Not great, just decent. There was no moment of "WOW!" when I took a bite, and really someone in the kitchen needs to lay off the cilantro a little. And why weren't the potatoes spiced AT ALL? And why were all the sauces from one dish spiced the EXACT same way? A little imagination and diversity goes a long way in a meal.

I just have an issue with a pricey place (see: "been a few months", above)with lousy meat. I mean, for what they charge, and how they bill themselves, I ask "Where's the Beef?" Really, you're going to charge that, and you don't blow me away with your culinary ability, or awe me with the cuts and flavorful nature of your main dish?

I'm a decent cook, but when I go out I don't want to eat something that I think I could make better. No matter WHAT the price. Hey, I'll buy macaroni and cheese if it tastes yummier than the way I'll put it together. Sometimes it's just worth it. This, sadly was not. This is the second time this has happened to us. A few years ago we went to a different place...also on the East Side...hmmm, that greatly disappointed us. Back then we had a 10% off coupon, and a recommendation from a friend ,so we went there. The funny thing? We got a coupon at the end of this meal for 10% off the next time, because we patronized them in these tough economic times. Might as well have given us a nice piece of card stock that said "SUCKERS!!!"

The shame is we do have a few restaurants we really love, but opted to "try some place new for us." Well, you live and learn. It could have easily turned out fantastic.

It took an hour to get onto the highway because of all the construction on Second Avenue, but all in all? We had a great time.

I guess it's not about the food after all.


Dr. G. W. Greunkern said...

You give me an award, but the highest form of flattery is that now YOU are doing restaurant reviews as well!

Doobie said...

That is always disappointing , especially when you do not go so often. It is always a toss up of whether to go with tried and true and try something new and run the risk of being disappointed. But in the end it is always fun to get out!

wolfman said...

you need to identify the villians, helps make your blog germane.