Monday, June 11, 2012

Blogging In Increments

We just got our insurance renewal, and since we have added a driver I decided it is certainly time to finally take a six hour course that will give me an extra 10% discount. Being the intelligent time saver that I am I decided to take an on-line course, which I now know, may have been set up for third graders-but since they cannot legally drive, more likely it was designed for those with a third grade reading level.

Thus I will be blogging more, as I wait for a page that I have finished reading in 30 seconds to complete its  countdown so that I can move on to the next page. Generally that's another minute or minute and a half.

It gives me time to ponder questions such as: If Geico would spend just a leeeetle less money on advertising (some of which is quite clever and entertaining) couldn't they save their customers 25% on car insurance? And if you have no idea what I am talking about, then perhaps you have been living under a rock (an idea referenced in one of their ads!)

Really though, I don't think I am more than ten minutes in, and I have no idea how I am going to fill this time.

I guess like this....


KWBSLKM said...

i am just finishing a driving course, and my fellow course-takers jokingly refer to the class as "homework time." too bad you don't have any homework to do!

Doobie said...

well at least we will be getting the benefit of all your extra time. But wow if you just do the math for a course that is supposed to take 6 hours and you are finishing in a 1/4 of the time alloted, just think how long this will actually take you. Yay for us!