Sunday, May 6, 2012

You're Going the Wrong Way!


We arrived safely, and were treated to an English treat, a Monty Python skit comes to life!
We got onto the train in Heathrow that takes you between the terminals, and the doors closed. We sat there and waited while we didn't move. Suddenly there was a noise that sounded at first almost electronic, however after two minutes of constant honking noises it dawned on us that it was not electronic. It kept going. The train was still not moving. The noise was constant. Toot, toot, toot. All of a sudden we heard a giggle and saw small braids with pink bows peeking out from the side of a seat behind us.  More tooting. The little girl was blowing a little plastic saxophone. Continuously. I looked up at MBB, and said "Monty Python Cheese Shop." He nodded knowingly and started to laugh. The train pulled out tooting all the way to the next terminal, taking us to the Heathrow express to Paddington station.

 I don't know if I will get used to being on the wrong side of the road, but we have a few days to figure that out.  We took a nice walk, following the directions written on the pavement as to which way to look so as not to be run down by cabs and double decker buses. We played with some "fake money," and are looking forward to tomorrow's adventure.

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