Monday, May 14, 2012

Wrap Up

England was great. On Tuesday we went out to the countryside, Blenheim Palace and the Costwald villages. We've always wanted to see this type of thing, and we didn't go to far out, about 90 miles out of London.   It was lovely. This is where we ate lunch :

The villages were quaint and old:

A great way to spend the day.

Wednesday was typically English in that it rained most of the day. That was teh day we did the most walking. The British Museum, The British Library, King's Cross Station (lots of Harry Potter fans in this house), Covent Garden, Picadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square, Jermyn Street then out to dinner. We used all public transportation and avoided the famed London traffic, mostly by using the Underground. We did take a few buses, just so we could see things while we rode.

Thursday was a travel day, but we ha time for a walk down Park Lane, the Apsley House and a walk through Hyde Park. Next stop was the airport. I've never fully understood the "bad seat-mate' thing on a plane until now. There was an English woman sitting next to me, who could not figure anything out, ad asked me, and commented on EVERYTHING, in that high pitched English accent, that the best way to describe her, is probably-daft.

We made it to Israel uneventfully, and spent two hours of the wee morning  walking around Geulah, me'ah shearim and Yaffo street. We wanted to get our bearings for the shopping trip on Friday. Shabbos was great, the nieces and nephews were great and it was so amazing to be in the Holy Land.

Time well spent. Now back to life and back to the kids. Which are really one and the same.
Thank G-d.

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