Monday, March 28, 2011

That Won't Get You Clean

Let just start off with a warning: the following contains subject matter that may be somewhat off-putting to those with more delicate sensibilities..

It's actual inevitable (well, not really, I am just making it so)that a blogger with children will eventually get around to blogging about...poop.

Tonight I put my sweet little man (almost ten months old) into his little tub. He cried for a moment, and then put himself into a position wherein his chin was hanging almost over the edge, and he looked relaxed. Very relaxed. So relaxed that as I got the soap in my hand to wash him, I saw why he looked so content. Let's just say I needed to get him out of there quickly, the floating pieces not something I'd want him to bathe in. I yanked him out, rinsed him off in the sink, and gave up on the bath (no I did not wash his hair, those "long flowing locks" would have to wait to be washed). He thought this all the height of hysteria and smiled and giggled throughout. After everything was bleached and cleaned (the tub, etc, not the baby), I was reminded of another bath time mishap with another child.

She must have been about two years old. She got in the tub, and after about two minutes, I noticed an object floating along with the rubber duckies. Out she came, the tub was drained and cleaned with Comet, rinsed, and I let the water in again. I may have even sat her on the toilet (not that she was trained, but she needed to be somewhere "safe").

New water, in she went, two minutes passed, and another object floating around. Out she came, drainage, Comet, rinse. I felt she needed to be washed, so I let the water in again. She stood there watching as the water filled up. I turned off the tub, and as I was about to lift her in, she urinated on the floor.

I laughed uncontrollably. She couldn't do THAT in the tub???????

1 comment:

Doobie said...

though i love the story i do feel a line has been crossed ;)