Monday, March 7, 2011

Pearls of Wisdom?

My dear darling laundry room sleeping seven year old, has become funnier and funnier.

Apparently she is pro-choice:

"Why do you care when I go to bed? It's not YOUR body!"

Her nose is quite small, basically she has no bridge, just a small little bump at the bottom with nostrils:

"When the Malach touched me here {pointing to the indentation above her lip}...he SMASHED my nose!"

I was feeding the baby, and I asked her to get something from downstairs. She said she couldn't, so I said I would. She asked if I would go "like that," (i.e., feeding the baby). I gave a non-committal eyebrow raise. A minute later:

"If there was a book about feeding your baby, I think it would say 'DO NOT FEED YOUR BABY WHILE WALKING DOWN THE STEPS.'"

1 comment:

Doobie said...

i often think of your 7 year old as talking in all capital letters!