Monday, February 8, 2010

It's Not Easy Being Green

I really don't know what I was thinking. Probably, it had something to do with me having been away for a a few days in Florida without MBB.

When I got home I saw a few remnants of his favorite "cocktail," Diet Coke with a slice of fresh lime in it. And no, he doesn't like Diet Coke with Lime, he likes Diet Coke with a slice of fresh lime.

This is not something he drinks often, but I know he likes it, and will drink it especially while watching football (even the debacle that was the championship game. You people do not even KNOW how amazing it is that there was not a single post about this year's Minnesota Vikings, an excellent team, and one that would have beaten the Colts in the Super Bowl, had they not beaten THEMSELVES against the stupid Saints, who they ABSOLUTELY outplayed. They just kept turning the ball over. Then again I think the unwritten football posts came pouring out in a torrent this weekend....).

Anyway, I came home on Tuesday night, and Thursday I found myself at Costco. I saw this bag of limes, and immediately thought of my dear husband, and purchased the small sack of 20 or so limes.

After I got home and opened the package to fix him a drink (how domestic!!)it dawned on me that one lime usually takes him about a week to finish.

Well, so far I made chicken wraps with fresh lime juice, and apples with lime juice, and I guess I could buy some mint and make some mojitos. Anyone with any good recipes involving limes or lime juice is welcome to post it in the comments sections.

I could use the help.


lizardk said...

cinnamon and lime chicken fajitas

wolfman said...

cancel your COSTCO memebership, it will always get you in this kind of trouble.

wolfman said...

Lime and onion pizza
Lime and mushroom pizza
Peanut butter, jelly and lime slices sandwiches
Spaghetti and meatballs with crushed lime
Lime encrusted avocado salad
fried limes
boiled limes
poaches limes
Lime wellington

just trying to be helpful

fil said...

Lager and lime (a pilsner beer with lime juice in it)

I agree with wolfman. Cancel your costco membership. they charge to do business with them, the products are much more than can be consumed before they rot, and they don't even give you a bag with which to carry your purchases home.

FBB said...

there are a lot of people in Chez BlogBerg, so we tend to finish before things rot. Though, I'm not so optimistic about the limes!!

Pilsner and Lime will use them up about as fast as Coke and Lime!

G6 said...

Can't you just make limeade?
That uses a TON of 'em....

This reminds me of the frantic scramble after every apple picking trip where we all bang our heads on the kitchen cabinets muttering, "What ever made me think I could use up all these apples??!?!"

SLiM said...

I have found that though I can only eat approximately half a large cracker with regular guacamole, I can eat at least 1 and a half of them when some other ingredients, including diced tomatoes and LIME! LIME! LIME! are added. Just a half a squeezed lime per batch of guacamole.

FBB said...

So your solution is to buy more green items so that I can put HALF of a lime in it? I think that would put me behind, not ahead!!

Also what is "regular guacamole?" All Guacamole has "other things in it," at least if it's not just mushed avocado, thus not guacamole!