Tuesday, January 12, 2010

You KNEW This Post Was Coming....

So Mayor Nanny is at it again. After making laws against trans fat in restaurant foods, and requiring nutritional information at certain restaurants (which it turns out is often wrong)., Mayor Mike wants not only restaurants, but the national food industry to cut salt by 25%. Of course he can't regulate everybody (yet, remember he's good at subverting democracy), and for now the program is only voluntary. C'mon New York, let's live healthy lives!!! I guess if food gets bland enough people will turn to other means to fulfill their cravings, and the city will be ready with handy guides on how to safely get high.

The trans fat program was originally voluntary, but no one complied so they made it a law. There's no question that processed food is very high in sodium, and cheap prepared food is also higher in salt. But, salt enhances flavor and prolongs shelf life of food. If I'm going out to eat, and the place ain't Burger King, the food best taste the best that it can. If you're spending a certain amount on a meal in a restaurant, there's a good chance it's not a weekly occurrence. Oh, wait. Unless you're a BILLIONAIRE!

So here's what I think. For all I know they do this already, but since Mike wants everyone to be healthy, it's time to spend the money in the classroom instead of forcing adults to live by "we know what's good for you rules." Teach nutrition in NY city schools, starting in Kindergarten all the way up to 12th grade. Indoctrinate New Yorkers so they know how bad their Big Macs are, and are aware of how to make healthier choices. Maybe even ease off on taxes and parking tickets for lower economic brackets so that the poor have more money to buy fresh food, which they can then prepare properly themselves.

Leave the rest of us alone to waddle in our high blood pressure and clogged arteries.

1 comment:

Doobie said...

you should city hall a letter with your plans. Surprisingly I am sure they hadn't thought to teach nutrition every year. They would rather regulate adults.