This morning, I engaged in the most frustrating, annoying, and downright unpleasant element of motor vehicle ownership.
I replaced the registration sticker in my vehicle's windshield.
To be exact, it was FBB's vehicle. Then again, both of our vehicles, our house, all of our primary possessions, and even IcebergCarwash are registered in FBB's name. This has been done in the unlikely event that our government and I do not agree on the exact definition and practical application of the phrase "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." My shoes (all of them), on the other hand, belong to me, and only to me. They are to be shined and otherwise cared for only by me, or by a specifically designated, (unlicensed and undocumented) professional.
Of course, before any of you Government folks get too nervous, the above paragraph was written in jest. You can go snoop around for "anti-American activities and/or sentiments" on other web sites. Well, except for the part about my shoes. I'm
really serious about that part.
As far as the registration sticker removal and installation process is concerned, placing the new sticker on the car's windshield is not a big deal, although the next time I put one of things on in a perfectly straight manner, it'll be the first time. The torturous part of the process, of course, is removing the old sticker, which is stuck to the windshield with the most effective adhesive on earth. I used hot water, soapy water, some sticker removal stuff I found at the back of a drawer, and it still took forever to remove that pesky thing. Finally, my task was completed, but rather than feeling a sense of accomplishment, I feel completely drained, physically and emotionally.
While I was doing all of this, I couldn't help but thinking, "There has
got to be a better way." I know that some states require the placement of the registration sticker on the license plate, not the windshield, and you simply stick the new sticker on top of the old one. That's not good enough for New York, though. No, my acquaintances, we're so much better and more sophisticated here in the Empire State. We need to put our registration stickers on our windshields, using space age adhesives.
I can't imagine that I'm the only one who feels frustrated by this process. In fact, I think that I could probably build a decent political career in this state, if my platform consisted of only one plank: the abolishment of the windshield-based registration stickers. Or, the development of a sticker which would adhere properly to the windshield, but would also be very easy to remove, when needed. (I'm trying to court the high-tech, research & development types as well).
Anyone with me on this one, or am I overreacting to something which only needs to get done once every two years?