
1. the principle or practice of unselfish concern for or devotion to the welfare of others (opposed to egoism ).
I was at a wedding last night, and looking around at all the lovely styles on all the lovely bedecked and bedazzled participants and celebrants I had a grand realization.
All these young guys, slim as they are, are doing a service, a kindness if you will, to those both older and more rotund then they.
All these young guys, slim as they are, are doing a service, a kindness if you will, to those both older and more rotund then they.
They have made wearing ill-fitting clothing not just OK, but the supposed height of fashion. So feel calm and collected going out even if you have gained a little weight since you last donned that dressy suit, or if your teenaged son is wearing a jacket that has suddenly become to short and too tight. Help is already here!
To those who bemoan the fate of Our People while looking at the fashion choices of the young and "in-the-know," FEAR NOT!!
They're just helping everybody out.