Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Ich Bin Du

As many of you already know, people are stupid. And hypocritical. And stupidly hypocritical, which is often fine because who does it really effect, except for those of us who tsk, tsk, and shake our heads.

But what happens when the stupidity does effect a wider group people, and when it does effect sanctifying the name of Heaven, as in, doing the exact opposite.

There is a lot of contention in these parts over the school board as it related to Orthodox Jews, and public and private schools. It's about budgets and taxes, and who is controlling who and what.  There are a few public schools that are smack in the middle of residential neighborhoods (where I believe by zoning rules are the only places they can be), so many of the Orthodox will use those properties as "shortcuts" on days when they need to walk. Regardless of whether school is in session or not, regardless of whether the public school kids are outside during recess.  When asked to stop they either ignore those asking, or get into arguments with them.

If the people of this school district were smart they would get together and start walking through Orthodox school grounds during school hours. Granted that's private property, but a public school need not be open to all comers at all times. When school is in session it should be off limits. If that school is smart they would tell the neighboring private school that if they don't get their Landsmen to stop walking through school property they will charge them for use of their parking lot when there are after hours events at the non-public school.

I will concede that the level of contention between the public and private school parents is what led to the "crackdown," but either way those parents are right. I wouldn't want people walking through my kids' school during school hours and I think these parents have that same right. There comes a point where "I pay taxes" is just a lame excuse.  If you own property in this country you pay school taxes. Whether you have kids or not. So, should we let random old people sit in school lunch rooms during school when they need a place to gather? After all, they pay taxes, they have a right!

Oh, and if you are going to do something so obviously stupid (walking through when asked not to, ) PLEASE do not invoke your "rabbi said it's ok." It just makes everything worse.

 Don't be lazy, make God proud and walk AROUND the long way. Even if it's raining.


Anonymous said...

When you raise people to think they're better than other people, they come to believe it.

big sis said...

sorry, anonymous. its not about raising people to think they are better. we are G-D's chosen people - we ARE better. but with that comes an obligation to go OUT OF OUR WAY to act better than everyone else. and bend over backwards so that all other people will look at us and say, "wow, the chosen nation really is unique and wonderful"