Tuesday, February 14, 2012


...At this point, it's a mere ten minutes.

I went to the mailbox, looking for the high school girls' report cards, which almost everyone else in their school received late last week.  Nonchalantly, because there are few surprises on their report cards, I took out the stack of letters.

There on the top was a letter we were not expecting until at least tomorrow. I was unprepared for the flip- flop that my stomach did as I looked at the return address of the school the eldest child would like to attend next year. GULP.

I want this for her because I think it's the right place. I want this for her, because as her mother I don't want her to have to deal with rejection. I want this for her because she wants this for herself, and it is attainable, and will put her on a good path for the future.

I want this for her because I love her.

I just need her to get home and open the darn thing!

1 comment:

Doobie said...

This is very poignantly and beautifully said