Monday, March 11, 2013

How Do You Like That?

According to a report on The Yeshiva World (I admit, I read it sometimes) Rav Shteinman has put out a call for women to assist in doing something spiritual to beseech Heaven to stop yeshiva bochurim from being drafted.

The men have been asked to organize a schedule so that there is round the clock limud Torah (don't tell the Kollel Chatzos people, they charge for that you know) for 5 consecutive days. One of the men considered to be one of the gedolei hador has asked women to join the effort.

And it's not what you think.

Unlike others, who equate a woman's service to G-d and role in Judaism as it relates to men, the Rav requested women say tehillim, strengthen their shmiras shabbos, and be careful with lashon harah and motzie shem ra.

No mention of baking cookies for the men who are learning, and no mention of skirt lengths or what side of the sidewalk to be on.  Nothing but a focus on a way for them to strengthen their own avodas Hashem, and adherence to mitzvos/halacha.

It gives me hope.

1 comment:

firstpob_moo said...

Although tznius is often related to men and is presented to women from that angle, tznius is actually part of the relationship a woman has with Hashem. She doesn't belong to everybody, and her soul can be more easily protected and offered to Gd by minimizing externals.
As we all know tznius has been corrupted in its presentation. Which could be a good enough reason for leaders to stay away from it for a bit. That doesn't change the core, strength, or basic importance of women's tznius in Judaism.