Thursday, June 6, 2013

Short and Sweet

I got a call early this morning from my daughter in Israel. She was in the airport, had checked in, and gone through security:

"It was all fine, the bags were the right weight, and security was OK. Mother, do not put a toy gun in your suitcase unless you want all the security people in the airport to come and talk to you!  They asked why I didn't say I had it when they asked me if I had any weapons, and I said-cuz it's a toy."

End the year with an adventure!


MBB said...

It's still better than when I left Israel after spending a year over there. When I was asked whether or not I had any weapons, I held up my hands and said "Just these." The look I received from the female security person conveyed a mixture of annoyance and scorn, and has since been perfectly replicated, on far too many occasions to count, by our very own FBB.

KWBSLKM said...

i know someone whose plastic baseball bat got confiscated. although I don't know why this person was traveling with a plastic baseball bat to begin with.