Monday, May 27, 2013

Start of Summer

Today, in honor of the fallen soldiers of our country we went to a minor league ball game. (OK, that's a bit flippant, but we don't really celebrate the memorial part of memorial day in this country. Perhaps, if I knew soldiers I would do more than fly a flag).

With five errors for each team, we settled in for an afternoon of decent entertainment, but nothing to earth shattering.

Until the final play. Bottom of the ninth, one out, two men on, and the catcher, who had the worse day of anyone, missing pop ups and doing nothing at the plate, blasted a home run to win the game.

Aside from the fun of sitting in a beautiful (if possibly illegally funded) stadium, watching the kids clapping and dancing, winning t-shirts, and yes, munching Cracker Jacks, the home team won a game they were losing from the first inning on. In the ninth inning.

Now that's coolness.


MBB said...

Wildest game I've ever attended, including Major League games. Great fun.

fil said...

was this more exciting than the catfish versus the river rats?

wolfman said...

There have been some pretty wild games recently in Flushing and Da Bronx

Doobie said...

sounds like fun and a great start to the summer season.